
Keen: A compact, durable, and retractable utility knife.

Created by Dan Provost & Tom Gerhardt

Keen is a compact, custom machined utility knife. Satisfying to use, full of thoughtful details, and built to last a lifetime.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All systems go!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 16, 2023 at 05:55:07 AM

Hey friends,

Just wanted to send a quick note of thanks for supporting Keen on Kickstarter! The campaign ended last night, and we raised $185,353 from 1465 backers. Amazing! We are so excited to make this tool for you.

If this is your first time backing a project by us, welcome! To give you a lay of the land, we like to send project updates roughly once a month. We have found this is a good cadence to keep you folks up to date without inundating your inboxes. If you want to follow along more closely, we definitely recommend checking out our podcast and following us on Instagram.

We use Backerkit to collect your shipping info and color selections. We don’t need to send those surveys out just yet, and we’ll give you a heads up when it’s time to expect it in your inbox.

That’s it for now! Thanks again for your support, we’re excited to have you along for the ride.

Until next time,

Tom & Dan

Thank you!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 11:23:57 AM

Hi folks!

We wanted to send an (overdue) message of thanks for backing Keen on Kickstarter! We reached our funding goal just 5 hours after launching. We are so happy to have you on board and can’t wait to share the journey of bringing a product to life with you.

We just released an episode of our podcast chatting all about Keen with our friend Myke Hurley. We discuss the path we took to arrive at the final design, the design thinking, pricing… all manner of things. If you are interested in the “behind the scenes” we think you will find it a worthwhile listen.

We still have 29 days left in this Kickstarter campaign, so if you know of anyone that might also be interested in Keen, please feel free to pass it along.

Let’s go!

Tom & Dan

PS. Check out this little "behind the scenes" video of the unedited stop motion frames for the Kickstarter video if you want to get a sense of how the sausage is made.